Chapter 7: Making An Effective Financial Plan

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Chapter 7: Making an effective financial plan
Once you get in tune with your financial goals, you need to make a plan that is equally effective. Long term financial planning can help you achieve your long term goals and at the same time focus and complete your short term goals in the process.
It can have a huge effect on the major decisions you make and hence plays a very important role in setting the direction of your life. Financial plan varies from person to person and you can take help from a professional financial planner to help you make further plans, especially when you have reached the point where you are ready to start making investment. A financial plan helps you make the best decisions and work towards the betterment of your financial health and security.
Creating an effective financial plan revolves around …show more content…

It puts you in charge of your finances. It helps you decide where, how and why each penny should be spent. It helps you put in sync with you spending habits and thus helps you come up with a realistic plan to meet your ultimate financial goals. In fact, creating a workable budget is the base and the key to your financial success. If you manage to create a good budget, the path to each financial level will become clear to you. So, it is best to create a monthly and yearly budget to have the most effective results.

2. Getting out of your debt

The next step towards successful wealth management is to eliminate your debt. You must be disciplined in order to get out of the debt. Moreover, it is important because there is no point in investing money when you are still stuck in the circle of paying higher interests to those whom you owe money. Doing so will only increase your burden. So, it is best to stay disciplined, cut your expenses and increase your earnings (especially if you have a lot of debt) to get rid of the debt as soon as possible.

3. Building emergency