
Chapter Summary Of Handmaids By Jane Offred

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The beginning of the novel seems very depressing and dark to me. I believe the women are living in a male dominant society with limited freedom. This book displays men as high, superior workers and women as housewives who don’t have rights to do what they want to. During the discussion, I mentioned that “The Commander’s wife was a Speaker and was known for being on television and now she has been silenced since that power has been taken away from her. But she still has some power because she is the Commander’s wife since she is controlling the Marthas, Handmaids. She can also be depressed” The reason I said this was because there is a huge change in lifestyle and authority for women. Even though she seems strict and authoritative , she doesn't …show more content…

Women are still fighting for equal pay, violence against, their choice on abortion, equal opportunities etc. Another thing I mentioned was “when the japanese tourists came to visit and asked Offred if she was happy and she replied by saying yes.” Maybe she wanted to portray that women are doing okay in a place that they have limited freedom like what I mentioned about women wearing a mask before. Katie’s question on “how do this world she [Offred] came to be and why? It is interesting because how does a situation occur where all the rights can be taken away from women. Katie’s response to the question was “maybe a man is controlling the society and thinks its better for women not to have freedom.” I think the person in charge has placed so many restrictions in his society so that it can flow smoothly. But it is affecting women’s way of living in a negative and depressing way. Katie also asked if there is anything positive that Offred has experienced so far and Keeri replied that “Offred enjoyed taunting the guards.” I agree because I believe it was a way Offred wanting to tempt them to get something they cannot

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