Snowball Character Analysis

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At the start of the novel, Old Major is presented as an experienced and respected leader. Old Major is described as: “a majestic-looking pig, with a wise and benevolent appearance.” The attributive adjective “majestic-looking” infers looking grand and impressive, as well as powerful. Majesty can also denote authority and royalty. Furthermore, the title “Your Majesty” is common in queens and kings who have royal blood as well as being the highest status. However, despite being “majestic-looking, ” he is also described as “benevolent”. This positive, descriptive adjective implies kindness and the will to do something for a good cause. “Benevolent” can also be traced to its latin roots. Bene” means good and “velle” meaning to wish, therefore meaning …show more content…

For example: “drawing in line after line uttering little whimpers of excitement.” The constructive verb “draw” implies creativity and imagination. On the other hand, the action verb draw may denote child play and immaturity. Furthermore, it may also insinuate Snowball’s impossible and ridiculous hopes and ideas for the future of animal farm. This can be linked to the quotation: “Snowball used as his study a shed which had once been used for incubators.” The concrete noun “incubator” is an enclosed apparatus where premature or unusually small babies are placed. This could symbolize Snowball being inexperienced and childlike. This may also be supported in the phrase: “He was closeted there for hours a time.” The concrete noun “closet” implies enclosure as well as tight space. This may infer that he is trapped by his own thoughts unable to share his intellect with the other animals. Also, this may imply that Snowball tries to escape reality hiding himself in his own work of imagination. However the phrase “three hours at a time” implies a committed and dedicated leader who is passionate and puts effort in the development of animal farm. However despite Snowball being presented as “childish” and “inexperienced” this may also insinuate that Snowball has the capacity to grown and learn, while Napoleon is presented as a self-centered and idle dictator. Snowball’s constructive leadership is contrast to Napoleon’s destructive nature. This can be seen in the quote: “Suddenly, he lifted his legs, urinated over the plans and walked out without uttering a word.” The adverb “Suddenly” infers quick and unexpected actions. This may infer that Napoleon didn’t want to be seen doing criminal actions, therefor did it as quickly as possible. Also it could imply that Napoleon’s unexpected behaviour, is unpredictable by the animal, as he has always appeared to be a prideful and admirable leader. Even