Character Analysis: Orphan Train

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Transitioning into something new or different is not easy. Sometimes you have to leave your values and personal belongings behind, but you may gain some insight from your new transition. In Orphan Train, Molly was learning about the Wabanaki Indians and how they had to carry their canoes and everything else they possessed across land from one body to the next. This is known as portaging. Molly was assigned to conduct an interview with a relative or friend asking about their own portages, the moments in lives when they’ve had to take a journey, literal, or metaphorical (Kline, 2013). The questions that were needed to be asked were: What did you choose to bring with you to the next place? What did you leave behind? What insights did you gain …show more content…

I had to leave my childhood behind and take on new roles and responsibilities. I leave behind the help and having someone to fall back on. I leave my future to me.

I took all the important information that my parents and adults I looked up to gave to me. I remembered all the experiences I was put through, while watching them grow up while having me. I take the lessons, the time outs, and the talks all to my heart. I take how my parents lived their lives every day and try to make sure I use that same effect on my life. From this transition I gained independence, which was one of my values. I believe if you do not have personal goals and you rely on everyone else to help achieve your goals than you’re not really aspiring as a person. Having independence allows you to grow as a person and be able to live on your own without dependency. My parents helped me learn that and it has made me the person I am today. I work for everything I own. I work to pay for my education to start up my career. I learned that if you don’t strive to be the best than what is the point? I think the most important thing to take from your transition is to connect the old to the