George Lucas's Yoda As A Hero In Star Wars

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"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." This quote was said by the character Yoda from a famous movie called Star Wars. Star Wars is an American epic space franchise centered on a films series of six movies and even a television show created by George Lucas. The first film of six was created in May, 1977. The movie was described as a taking place in a galaxy "far, far away" in the distant past, Star Wars itself portrays adventures and battles between the forces of good and the evil. If you ever asked someone what was their favorite movie series, many people would say Stars Wars because it is one of the best science fiction movies ever made. It appeals to many generations of people because the villains and heroes are well developed, the lines are memorable and the technology and …show more content…

One thing that makes Star Wars great movie are that the villains and hero's are well developed. Star wars movie is based on a force and the character in star wars are either on the dark side of the force or the good side of the force, which in the movie they are called rebels alliance. The character in Star Wars make the movie more intriguing. The character on the good side of the force are; Luke Skywalker. He was a Tatoonie farm boy who rose from the humble beginning to become one of the greatest Jedi the galaxy has ever know. Luke is being mentor by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a heroic man, a legendary Jedi master and gifted in the way of the force. He trained Anakin Skywalker and guided Luke as a mentor. Leia, a princess of the galaxy She is also one of the revel alliance's best leaders. that can use a gun and that