Character Analysis: The Pluto Project

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Once in the third grade, I lost someone pretty important to me and instead of finding comfort from a friend, I decided to keep my feelings to myself. The reason, I didn't want my friends to see me in pain and I thought I should try and stay strong for my family. However, what I didn´t know is how much it might hurt me when I didn't tell people what was on my mind. I usually waited till I was alone to say what was on my mind out loud instead of saying it to others. In the end, I did eventually go to my friends, consequently, I ended up feeling better about the situation. Looking back, I was being very introverted. By deciding to not share my thoughts and feelings with others made me introverted just like the main characters from The Pluto …show more content…

After being rejected by a girl he really liked and seeing that his father's girlfriend has moved into his house, is when Alan first shows that he is introverted. Being upset, Alan ran into his bathroom ¨...and then he cried. He cried so hard and so long...¨ (Haber 166). When facing upsetting situations Alan begins to slowly lose control of his emotions and goes into his bathroom to cry and scream. And Alan never shows any signs of depression or frustration when around others, and after having to hear things that upset him, he loses control and starts to cry but not in front of others. He also decides not to tell any of his friends about what he went through, being introverted. Another example is when Alan finished crying and said, ¨I am descending into madness¨ (Haber 167). Again, Alan did not tell anyone about what he was going through and choose to keep his feelings to himself showing how introverted he chooses to be. Also, Alan isn't just keeping his feelings from others, he's also telling himself that he is going mad when really, he's just upset. By these actions, Alan is introverted as he decides to keep his emotions away from his friends when experiencing upsetting …show more content…

Alan shows himself being introverted by only letting out his emotions when he's by himself. The IRA sniper shows himself being introverted by hiding his true emotions during the Irish civil war. Though they both are introverted, the IRA sniper shows this trait better than Alan as he completely blocks out his emotions as well as hiding them from others. From my personal experience, being introverted can actually hurt a person more than what may cause them to feel upset. Just as the IRA sniper as he let out all of his hidden emotions at once. Being introverted can also lead to friends become distant as they may feel that someone who is introverted is not trusting since they don't share how they feel. Much like how Alan almost completely lost some of his friends when he enclosed his feelings to himself. Neither of them had told anyone the sadness that was flowing through their minds, and no one to mollify them in their