
Character Analysis: Touching Spirit Bear

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Between 30 and 40 percent of male teens say that they have committed a serious violent offense by the age of 17. Most of those teens have committed these crimes in result of anger or actions without thinking. Some of the serious actions happened in a school area. These male teens have probably bullied a person and most likely got into a fight in school with another student. In a book, Touching Spirit Bear a character named Cole Matthews got into a fight with a student named Peter Driscal and is getting charged for it. During the experience Cole is going through he has made some bad decisions he might regret. Cole has put blame on himself due to failure to care about others, actions on the island and his attitude towards the program.
As Cole was put through the program he thought that the people in the program were trying to make fun of him and put him down. Cole also believes his parents, especially his father don 't care about him. When Cole was younger his father abused him and this could have caused the way his has grown up all of his life. “ Nobody cared about him, nobody understood him.”(Mikaelsen 26). As Cole thinks to himself he shuts down to think about how …show more content…

Cole’s attitude towards the program has affected him in so many ways. Cole always gets his way whether it 's him lying or him using force, at least what he thinks. ”So this would get me out of going to jail.”(Mikaelsen 12). Before Cole begins the Circle Justice program Garvey, his parole officer talked to him about the program and how it can shorten the jail sentence. Cole hearing that is trying to get the short end of the stick. So as Cole goes through the program and arrives at the island for banishment they give him supplies and a shelter. “Inch by inch the billowing flames devoured the supplies and shelter.” (Mikaelsen 30). Cole 's attitude fails him again, he thinks he doesn 't need the supplies and shelter and he can do it all by himself and survive on an island. But as those supplies burn

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