Raymond Carver's Literary Analysis: Cathedral By Ernest Hemmingway

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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date Literature Analysis: Cathedral Although Raymond Carver has written numerous essays, Cathedral, tops on his favorite list. Often compare to Ernest Hemmingway, his pieces have always displayed characteristics different from most of the conventional literature works. In his works, he would dominantly use the style of speech, often leaving his readers in suspense. In, Cathedral, these characteristics are evident throughout the book. He uses a different set of styles to distinguish the narrator’s voice is the various settings of the narrative. Although it is the general opinion that Carver leaves his readers in suspense in this narration, there are fundamental qualities that come to the fore from …show more content…

However, he also admits that his wife gave him more information than necessary. He confessed to it when his wife gave him details of how the Robert’s hand felt when it touched her face, details that he feels were not necessary (Carver 2368) . All the while, he narrates purely by using her wife’s words. Furthermore, he explains how his wife used to write poems to him, but he silently reacts by saying that poetry is not something that he turns to when reading a newspaper (2368). In this part of the story, he does not sympathize with the wife. Therefore, he does not rouse the reader’s sympathy for the wife, and in the process, distances the readers as well. The narrator further distances the reader by reminding him always that he is reading a book. This scheme acts to disengage the reader from developing any form of emotion towards the characters in the narration. At one point he says, “Pieces of the story began to fall into place” (Carver 2370). He uses similar sentences in this fashion to ensure that the audience does not engage in the characters’ plight. Sasani points out that the narrator limits the narration of the book to his views (219). Thus, any reader does not get to hear the story of the other