Characteristics Of Boxer In Animal Farm

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Who is most like Boxer?
“I will always work harder”, this is not the mentality most people have, that 's why a fictional character in a book said it (Orwell 12). Although the character/horse named Boxer is unrealistic, the situation seems to have happened with a similar character. First, a similar character is visible during the Russian Revolution, a person during fighting against segregation, and now. Behind a great leader, there will always be the loyal follower who will do as they say no matter how crazy it sounds or how much effort and work it takes.
During the Russian Revolution, Adolf Hitler was a power house leader who wanted to have total control, and would do anything to get that title. Napoleon, the top pig from Animal Farm, was the same way. Both figures thinking they were making life better for the people, they ended up taking it too far. The thing is, that one person or pig could not carry out such a large plan on their own. This is where the loyal followers/ leaders come in, Boxer and Walter Model. These figures believed in their leader’s decisions, helped carry them out with great success, and continued to serve even when in slight doubt. These men were loyal, powerful, and smart.
Walters loyalty was obvious as Boxer’s. While Boxer spoke, “Napoleon is always right”(Orwell 25), Walter was following Hitler 's commands by leading troops in war or in any task of which told. Walter did this well with the description of, “ energetic and forceful field