Characteristics Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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How and Why Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a Medieval Romance Medieval romances are dramatic theatrical narratives that usually include heroes, adventures, and of course the excitement of love. These stories have been around since the 12th century with first appearing in France and then later seen in England. The story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight shows us the all the main traits and characteristics of a medieval romance. The Supernatural, Magical elements, and hidden and mistaken identity are some great components of a fine Medieval Romance. The Green Knight is glowing green from head to toe with even his horse being the color of green and the stitching of his armor being gold. He then becomes beheading and picks up his head from the floor and continues talking. “For he holds up the head in his hand, truly, Turns its face toward the noblest on the dais,And it lifted its eyelids and glared with wide eyes,And the mouth uttered these words, which you shall now hear.” (444 - 447) He survived a beheading from Sir Gawain. The Green Knight picks up his head from the ground, turns it towards the crowd, and repeats the rules of the “game”. A great example of magic and the supernatural. “First I threatened you playfully with a pretence, And avoided giving you a gash, doing so rightly Because of the agreement we made on the first night, When you faithfully and truly kept you pledged word, Gave me all your winnings, as an honest man should. That other feint, sir, I gave you