Characterization In John Steinbeck's Of Mice Of Men

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In Mice of Men, John Steinbeck shows characterization and slang from back in the day around the Great. He present limitations for the roles of people, and the struggles of new jobs. The setting takes place in Soledad, up the Salina river. Two men named Lennie and George, leave their ranch job in Weed due to conflictions. They find a new ranch to work at with a dream in their hearts of owning their own farm one day. Conflict will erupt between their new boss’s son named Curley. Also new friendships will grow. Limitations are shown within the characters and could possibly effect each one in a type of way. Although Lennie is dictated by George and chooses to make his own decisions, Lennie trusts George and listens to him and others because of his limitations. In chapter one, Lennie listens to George because he trusts him. This relationship relate to as a relationship with a sibling or friend. You take their advice, because you believe that it will help you. In this chapter, Lennie finds a mice and keeps it on him to pet it. George finds out and asks for the mice since it is dead. George yells to Lennie, ‘“Give it here!” Lennie’s closed hand slowly obeyed.’ (Steinbeck 6) Lennie had obeyed what George has told him because George must …show more content…

George continues to refer to Lennie as "dumb." This is a limitation to Lennie since he cannot comprehend what happens around him in his everyday life. George begins to talk to Slim, another ranch worker, about Lennie. "Course he ain't mean. But he gets in trouble alla time because he's so God damn dumb." (41) George says that Lennie is dumb, and that because of this he gets into trouble. "Course he ain't mean.." He says that Lennie doesn't intentionally get into trouble, but that it is Lennie's limitation. Lennie recieves a puppy in chapter three and is told not pet them so much so he does not since he wants to keep his puppy. "I ain't done nothing