
Charge Of The Light Brigade Comparison Essay

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What are some of the differences in Russell’s account of the charge of the Light Brigade and Tennyson’s poem? Which do you find the more effective and why? W.H.Russell a journalist from “The times” reported the event of the dreadful Crimea War. He written an article headed “The Charge of the Light Brigade”. After two weeks, Tennyson a poem writer, thought that would have been a great idea to write a poem on it. And so he did. We can see many differences on Tennyson version and Russell version. So in this analysis I will try to explain them. Russell is formal and concise on writing his pice, giving all type of information where the fight happen, at what time, where (“…At ten minutes past eleven…” ; “… At a distance of 1,200 miles…”). There are less description and the attention is …show more content…

We can understand the pace of the war immediately form the beginning and the literary devices and rhetorical figures help the writer on describing the setting of the battle. In addition we can see how the poem was inspired from the article and how many events where described the same way such as the firing of the guns or the soldiers riding their horses. Moreover Tennyson feels pity for the soldiers because they where simply obeying a mistaken order, given by an Officer, which lead them to a certain death; but for these reasons he is writing this poem to elongate the heroes that faced the enemy with no fear. At the end of the poem we can positively understand how they where described as nobles. There are lots of similarities for example “the jaws of Death, the mouth of Hell” which describes the deadly valley where the Russian settled waiting for the English army to attack. This is one of the many literary figures that guides the reader to become a soldiers and really understand what really it wold have been to straddle the horse in that

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