Charles Cullen The Killer Nurse Research Paper

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Research paper Charles Cullen “killer nurse” Charles Edmund Cullen aka the killer nurse was born Feb 22 1960 in West Orange, New Jersey. West Orange is a suburban township in Essex County. He was the youngest of 8 and at 7 months old Edmond, who was his father, sadly passed away on Sep 17th 1960 unfortunately we don't know much about his background besides he was a bus driver. Overall, he was raised in a working class family who practiced Catholicism. Cullen went on to say that he wasn't too fond of his childhood and describes it as “miserable”. He went on to say he was bullied by his schoolmates & his sisters' boyfriends. He claimed that he was 9 when he attempted suicide for the first time by drinking various chemicals from a chemical set. His mother Florence Cullen was …show more content…

After that he remained unemployed for the next 6 months which meant he could not pay his child support bills. He stopped paying child support after he was treated for depression at Warren Hospital Emergency Room. After being discharged from the hospital, he briefly got sent to a psychiatric ward, but was released soon after. In Feb 1998 he relocated and got hired at Liberty Nursing Rehabilitation Center located in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Cullen was in charge of looking after respiratory dependent patients. Multiple people accused him of giving his patients medicine at random times. People have also claimed to have seen him walk into patients' rooms with syringes. This time around it didn't seem like Cullen was too careful covering up his tracks. He also left a patient with a broken arm. A patient died under Cullens care but he got lucky and got away in time so authorities could investigate more into him. Instead, the death of the patient was blamed on another nurse soon after he resigned from LNRC. He got hired at another hospital, this hospital was called Easton

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