The Evolutionary Theory
Evolution. The dictionary definition of evolution is “change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.” ( Most may hear the word “evolution” and think of humans evolving from apes; however, evolution is much more complicated and intricate. Whether one is an evolutionist or creationist, none can deny the impact Charles Darwin has had on the way people look at evolutionary patterns and the origin of life.
Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury (, and was the fifth child of Robert and Susannah Darwin (World of Scientific Discovery). Born into a family of scientists, his
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His ideas provided a template for theories on inheritance and discoveries on the evolution of organisms which are still prevalent today. He also influenced other scientists by setting the example of questioning what is known because that is the only way that new theories can be created and discovered. Furthermore, his studies have continued to have a lasting effect on the world and have even stimulated controversy on the origin of life. Before Darwin conceptualized natural selection, he was a creationist and believed in God. However, it is speculated that it was the death of his daughter, Anne Elizabeth, that caused him to be more open to proclaim his discoveries ( and led to his skepticism of Christianity. His theories have influenced many other Christians like him and have altered the way much of the world views Creationism. Despite criticism from his peers, “even Creationists [wouldn't] argue against his theory on microevolution as this is quite evident all around us,” says Mr. Christopher Kim. He is the co-owner of Blueprint Life Science Group and has a B.S. (bachelor of science) and M.S. (master of science) in chemical and bioengineering ( Mr. Kim further explains the undeniable presence of microevolution because “we see both plants and animals change to help improve their ability to survive and multiply.” Clearly, many people have been swayed from their religions by Darwin’s ideas; however there are many parts that even creationists cannot argue