Charles Dickens Research Paper

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Charles Dickens The book Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens was written in the 19th century and influenced by the author’s experience with the Poor Laws. Oliver Twist is a book written to show many of the poor conditions that paupers had to live in during the early 1800s. The novel became one of Dickens’s most successful novels written. Charles Dickens was one of the best authors of his time and his works were wildly popular in both America and Britain (, Charles Dickens). “Charles Dickens is much loved for his great contribution to classic English literature. He was the quintessential Victorian author. His epic stories, vivid characters and exhaustive depiction of contemporary life are unforgettable” (History, Charles Dickens). Taking from his personal experiences and views on poverty, the many novels including Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, helped the author become one of the most popular in American and British culture. Charles Dickens lived in England during the 19th century. During this century the paupers of England suffered through low wages, poor diets, overcrowding, unemployment, and the effects of sickness. (Pennington, Beneath the Surface). Many of the higher class didn’t fully understand poverty and therefore didn’t know how to solve the problems of the many paupers. …show more content…

Although it was his personal favorite and helped define the expectations for his novels, it was not considered his best work. In that same year Charles’s father and daughter passed. He struggled greatly though their deaths. During that time he divorced his wife, Catherine Hogarth. Soon his novels began to express a darkened worldview. Among some of Charles’s more darkened novels include Bleak House, Hard Times, and Little Dorrit. In his dark novel period, Charles focused on many topics. Some of those topics were of hypocrisy in the British Society, world brutality, shortcomings of employment, and human value (, Charles

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