
Charles Dickens Research Paper

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For Dickens , home represents the basis of one's humanity and he strives to share his readers' domestic intimacy and to experience their holiday spirit . But in a sense this involvement with the reader seems to be Victorian tendency . Novels have been " written by the middle class , of the middle class , and for the middle class ."9 In reflecting their own society , Victorian novelists have tried to make their novels as real as the world of their readers , not only in the choice of settings but also in depicting the characters' values and aspirations and in diagnosing the insufficiencies and acts of injustice that breed incoherence and fragmentation in their society . These factors , generally speaking , underline the main literary …show more content…

He could hear its garments rustling in the leaves , and every breath of wind came laden with that last low cry . " ( p. 332) In the previous passage Dickens's analysis of human psychology is profound . Sikes is not only followed by his pursuers but also by fear that gnaws at him and never leaves him until his death . Dickens uses the sense of horrified criminals as a social corrective , suggesting by this gesture that crime does not pay : " There were twenty score of violent deaths in one long minute of that agony of fear . " ( p. 332 ) The dehumanization in Dickens may be suggested by creating horrible scenes which Dickens describes in his novel . A novel of disturbing events and indicates a vision of a world in which people appear out of mists and darkness . Roger B. Henkle comprehensively encompasses Dickens's vision of a grim age as reflected by his writings , " Dickens projects a murky , probably evil world , tainted with criminality and fear .. As events unfold , our initial impression will be reinforced , for Dickens envisioned nineteenth century England as a dark and corrupt society . "12 Thus in Oliver Twist , to take an example of the Dickensian creation of atmosphere we are introduced to an atmosphere of mystery , uncertainty and fear . Oliver was born in an institute , no family , growing afraid of his surrounding …show more content…

The thread can be traced even in his first book Sketches by Boz , which enfolds his visit to Newgate . In Pickwick Papers , Pickwick is arrested and imprisoned , but the most memorable instance exhibiting the horror of confinement occurs in Oliver Twist , where Fagin is shown on his last night alive , a condemned creature in his cell , a helpless and a desperate creature whose fear and wrath turn him into " a sarled beast . " ( p. 367 ). Dickens reflects his abhorrence of solitary confinement and the physical and mental torture it inflicts on man . He gives us a disturbing image of possible death that serves to suggest his grim theme . Dickens reveeals the ultimate state of misery and defeat of a man caught in the throes of confinement , human loneliness and neglect

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