
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Research Paper

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Childhood and Adolescence
Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born on January 27, 1832 and died on January 1898 (Leach). Dodgson was a writer, Mathematician, Anglican cleric, photographer, and artist. He was one of the major literary figures of the Victorian Age. He writes under the pen name of Lewis Carroll. In 1856, he began his interest photograph after taking a mathematical lectureship at Oxford University. He became known as one of the most important photographer in Britain in his era. His notable works are Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, The Hunting of the Snark, Jabberwocky, and Curiosa Mathematica Parts I and II (A & E). Caroll employed the wet collodion negative process and the corresponding positive albumen print process to produce his masterpieces (HRC). Carroll works are mostly in black and white and …show more content…

She lives and works in Lexington, Virginia. She is a recipient of the National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship three times and a recipient of Guggenheim Fellowship. Time Magazine named Mann “America’s Best Photographer” in 2001 (Mann). Mann produced works in different photographic genres including portraiture, architecture, landscape and still life. Although, she tried exploring her profession in color, Mann still returned to use black and white in her works. She uses large format cameras and classical techniques. In processing her films, Mann used platinum, bromoil and wet collodion printing processes (Mann).
Carroll and Mann are both alike in terms of the genre they are well known, the use of wet plate collodion process, and the controversies that surrounded their work. The only difference is that they existed in two different eras with very different cultural, economic, social and political landscape. Sally Mann has her family as her subjects while Lewis Carroll’s bulk works are concentrated on images of young girls of affluent Victorian

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