Charles Manson Movie Analysis

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Charles Manson is the illegitimate son of careless and indifferent prostitute. He is born in 1935 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Young Charles never knew who was his real father, and spent his first years of life in shelters. Sullen and rebellious boy do not fit the school system. His transition from childhood to adolescence was marked by numerous violations and several sentences in correctional facilities for juvenile delinquents. In March 1951, the court decided to send Charlie to educational school for boys in Washington. The following year, just a few days before his release, Manson raped another young boy while holding the razor blade at his throat. As a result, he served a prison term in the penal colony, where he stayed until May 1954. Although …show more content…

Roman Polanski specialized in shooting bloody "horror movies", and his wife Sharon Tate always played a major role in these films. The audience often had the opportunity to contemplate the naked body of the actress, generously smeared with red paint to simulate blood. Such images made very few people indifferent. It can be argued that a participation of Sharon in those films worked on a sick mind of Manson, who would like to see the real blood rather than the fake one. This is absolutely the same as in the theory of Herbert Blumer. People act in accordance with principles based on the values that are formed during their life. Every single object has its own value and every man attach importance to it, as people, physical objects, social institutions, social categories (friends, enemies), ideals (freedom and honesty), the actions of people and various situations that a person faces in their everyday life ("Herbert Blumer's Three Basic Premises"). We cannot say that Sharon was the first, but its role served as a catalyst for making her own …show more content…

In this context, it cannot be said that he was not involved in social interaction. However, this fact embodies the worst characters that were experienced by him in childhood. According to his mother, 16-year-old Kathleen Maddox, she was raped by a Colonel Scott. In addition, in 1939, his mother was arrested for armed robbery of the gas station. She was sentenced to five-year imprisonment, in West Virginia. When she came out of jail, Charlie was 8 years old. Since then, the boy lived in a succession of "uncles", his home became a cheap hotel room, where Charlie often had to sit alone all day. Manson's mother, as well as the many men who, according to him, lived with her, cared a little about him. In Washington, Charles Manson first became a victim of homosexual rape, then he began to make such acts. Painfully feeling of uselessness, mental instability and emotional brokenness caused by a strong sense of inferiority in his relationship with his mother, caused his need to suppress any memories of her. Small growth, extramarital origin and lack of parental love constantly evoked in him the desire to self-assertion in relationships with other teens and the desire to work out techniques for comfortable communication with other people. Manson spent most of his life in prison. His philosophy was born there under the blows of truncheons and boots (Kong, 2014). These symbols (domination