Charles Mcduffie Essay On Prison

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“Prison State” Paper Charles McDuffie, was the prisoner who had the greatest effect on me from the video. The reason why Charles, had the greatest effect on me is because my biological father also suffered with a drug addiction and was a repeat visitor of the prison system. I could see my father’s life while watching Charles’ story and hear him speak about his issues. It made me see hope in Charles and how people can change and deserve another chance at life. My father recently was released from prison and is on parole, going to meetings and trying his hardest to stay on right path. Charles story inspired me and gave me hope for my father and his journey. Keith Huff’s problem was that he suffered from mental illnesses, diagnosed with both Schizophrenia disorder and Bipolar. He had to take medications for his mental illnesses, when he did not take his medications, he made bad choices, Keith was a repeat criminal. Christel Tribble’s problem was initially her truancy, but really, she suffered with Bipolar disorder and ADHD. She was 15 years old and had a choice to make, a path to follow, she did not want to be a screw up! Charles McDuffie’s problem was his drug addiction, that was caused from his untreated PTSD from …show more content…

Christel and Demetria both disobeyed rules from the “zero tolerance” policy and their punishment was being arrested. “Zero-Tolerance” policies, which include school suspensions and expulsions as well as abandoning juveniles to the criminal justice system for offenses such as truancy and incorrigibility (which would not be deemed offenses in adults), are frequently implemented in a pattern of institutional racism” (Berlowitz, Frye, & Jette, 2017, p. 8). Christel and Demetria had both been charged with truancy before and both had been involved in fights, where zero tolerance policies were in