Charles Taylor's Role In The Sierra Leone Civil War

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The 11 year civil war period in Sierra Leone is known for its brutality and the strength shown in its youth. Corrupted by greed, corruption and a bad judiciary system(), Sierra Leone was stripped of prosperity with an increased uneducated youth and unemployment rate leaving most of its people in poverty (3). Charles Taylor the leader of neighbouring country Liberia, controlled numerous criminal networks though out western Africa. Liberia had just previously experienced its own civil unrest to gain independence() and was in a time of reform and healing. Rebel group “RUF,” formed in response to the dysfunctional government plaguing the Sierra Leone economy and its youth. The Revolutionary United Front, led by Foday Sankoh was devoted to change …show more content…

Siaka Steven was the first independent president of Sierra Leone, and much like Chares Taylor played a role in the country’s civil war. The intention of Stevens was not to help increase the stature and economy of Sierra Leone but rather to increase his own personal wealth (G). In doing so he claimed control of the country’s huge diamond reserves, as it was known that whoever controlled the mines had power over all the countries economic wealth (C). The result of his supremacy played a role in the extent of his countries devastating civil war. In a scheme to maintain power, Stevens implemented privatisation projects on industries such as agriculture transport and oil refinery(C) under a one party political system. The citizens of the country had no say on who led the country as under the 1976 constitution, a one party system rules and nominates the cabinet, judges, vice presidents, and future leaders of the country (G). This patrimonial leadership lead to the breakdown of public services and institutions as well as inciting random violence amongst angry civilians. With the decline of education, health and judiciary system a rebellion from the people was inevitable and played a role in the start of the violence conducted by anger and poverty amongst the people. Another consequence of Stevens …show more content…

With unemployment that rose to the highest level in the country’s history undermining the state’s economy, a huge brain drain, with skilled labour leaving a soon to be doomed country. After Stevens call for retirement Joseph Momoh was placed into power by Stevens, in which the people had no say. Stevens left the role of presidency when the country was at its worse, to a man that was too weak to address growing problems at

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