Charles Wallace Murry This Is Water Quotes

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Charles Wallace Murry is known for being a “moron” or being “the dumb baby brother” when he is the opposite of that. He is only five years old but he understands so much more than anyone his age or anyone close to his age. In the novel we first meet Charles through his older sister Meg. “Everybody was asleep. Everybody except Meg. Charles Wallace who had an uncanny way of knowing when she was awake and unhappy, and who would come, so many nights tiptoeing up the attic stairs to her –even Charles Wallace was asleep.” Meg had gone downstairs so she would feel safer since there were strong winds and she was in the attic. She found Charles, “sitting at the table drinking milk and eating bread and jam.” “Hi” Charles said. “I’ve been waiting for …show more content…

Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which. They get tessered onto a planet called Camazotz to try to save Mr. Murry, who is Meg and Charles’ father. Before Charles, Meg, and Calvin could try to save him they are each given a gift. Mrs. Whatsit says to Charles, “To you I can only give the resilience of your childhood.” Mrs. Whatsit also tells Charles, “Charles Wallace, the danger here is greatest for you.” “Why”, Charles asks. “ Because of what you are you will be by far the most vulnerable. You must stay with Meg and Calvin. You must not go off on you own. Beware of pride and arrogance, Charles, they may betray …show more content…

Murry, Calvin, Meg, and Charles end up getting sent to a man who was controlled by IT. The man says, “I have been waiting for you my dears. But how does it happen that there are three of you?” Charles spoke harshly, “Oh, Calvin just came along for the ride.” “Oh did he the? I hope that it has been a pleasant one so far,” the man says. Charles Wallace responds, “ Very educational.” But the man gets mad at Charles because the statement was directed toward Calvin and not Charles. Then Charles shut his eyes tightly. He tells Meg and Calvin to do the same. Charles says, “Don’t look at the light. Don’t look at his eyes. He’ll hypnotize you.” “Clever aren’t you? Focusing your eyes would, of course, help. But there are other ways, my little man. Oh, yes, other ways.” Charles responds angrily, “ If you try it on me I shall kick you!” Charles is very upset and responds to everything the man says arrogantly. When the man gives Charles the option to be hypnotized so that it “would save him pain,” Charles says, “We will make our own decisions, thank you.” But then the man tries to hypnotize him in another way and Charles recites nursery rhymes so that he doesn’t listen to what the man is saying. Charles gets very angry at the man and he slaps him in the face which was very unusual for Charles because he is not a violent

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