Charlotte Perkins Gilman Research Paper

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So much has changed since our first week of reading. As women gain an independence in America, more and more females are making choices for themselves. A major change that I found throughout the materials this week was the choice to pursue a husband and family or a career. More job opportunities are now available for women and pleasures once held only for men were now the indulgences of women as well. Since women no longer felt the need to get married as soon as possible, a new woman is created. The flapper is young, carefree and stylish. Women do what they want now for their own agendas. The virtual visit about the new woman was very interesting to me because it explained how women were changing as well was how some women disagreed with the changes that women were making. The most entertaining concept for me was the part about female bathing suits becoming too vulgar. If they could only see the skimpy bikinis that are popular today. The same site also has a picture …show more content…

Her piece The Anti-Suffragists seems to me to mirror the quote about not being impressed with how women uses their rights. Gilman talks about many different types of women all claiming to have all the rights they want. Gilman, herself being a women torn between choosing marriage or career, pushed for female self-sufficiency. To me, The Yellow Wall-Paper embodied Gilman’s frustrations with the continuing inequality between men and women. The woman in the story is forced to follow the wishes of her superior male husband and doctor. She is told that her female nervousness was probably caused by her writing and can only be cured with rest. I feel like that is how Gillman saw the world. Sure women had ‘equal rights’ but many women still found themselves obeying a husband or working for a male superior. Women are free to do as the men suggest them to do. Ultimately the woman’s oppression brings her to