Charlotte's Web Essay

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Charlotte’s Web is a classic novel that is easy to read and puts a smile on your face. The book teaches you the importance of friendship even if it is between a pig and a spider. Charlotte, the spider, kept her promise to Wilber, the pig, and took her life to protect his. In this novel it can relate to socially, morally, and cognitively stages of development. The intended audience of the book is directed towards children, however it is a story that can be enjoyable for adults to read. Depending on the age of the child, they can react in different way, in both a good or bad way. Overall, Charlotte’s Web is a fun read and I enjoyed the opportunity I had to read a book again from my childhood. This book can related to and teaches the socially stage of development. When Wilbur was sold to Fern’s extended family, the pig was put into a new environment with other animals. He had to learn how to adjust and create social skills to communicate with the animals. If Wilbur never developed social skills, his …show more content…

I have read this book before and reading again when I am older I understand the story better. I think children enjoy this book. I know when I was young I loved books that involved talking animals and this book takes you into the life of Wilbur and Charlotte. I was always scared of spider,s but after reading Charlotte’s Web as a kid I didn’t think that spiders were as awful as I thought. Allowing animals to have personalities and able to express their feelings helps connect with kids and allows them to grow a love of animals. This book is one of my favorite all time books and I know this can help children grow. Whether it be leaning social skills from the friendship of Charlotte and Wilbur, or trying to predict what will happen with the egg sack that Wilbur has to get home safe with this book allows children to think and can help expand there knowledge and make them a better