Cheer Is A Sport Essay

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Have you ever been to a football game before? Well if you have you know that most football teams have a cheer squad or dance team. Not many people acknowledge cheer, or think that cheer is an actual sport. well is cheer leading really a sport?

Regarding the topic, Did you know that over 3.3 million people participate in cheer, Let alone including some boys. cheer is a sport because you put as much hard work and dedication into cheer as you would in football,soccer,track or any other sport. Cheer leading over the years has exceedingly become more serious . Not to mention cheer can help to keep you in shape as well as support your wallet in the long run. Yet like any other sport there is you are competing to win against another opponent in cheer you are doing that so why do people not consider cheer a sport what is it just a hobby?

Secondly another reason cheer should be considered a sport is because although cheer seems to …show more content…

The major thing is cheer is not a national sport and what I mean by that is you don't hear cheer competitions on TV where almost everyone in america is watching like the world series, or the NBA and WNBA games, or national soccer games. Regarding this those people are also wrong because no matter if the sport is watched by the whole universe girls all over the world work hard and go through blood,sweat,and tears like any other sport so cheer leading deserves the title of being a “sport”.

In conclusion cheer leading should be considered a sport . Cheer meets the athletic criteria, they work just as hard as any other sport does. Cheer leading has cons but also has really good pros. Cheer leading is a real sport. To those who say it is not my question is can you do a back handspring round off? Can you do the splits? Do you put in as much effort into things as cheerleaders do? If no well think twice again because cheer leading is a real