Cheerleading Persuasive Essay

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It’s important to know how cheerleading can make girls feel more confident. Is cheerleading something that helps in the long run? Can you see girls become something they weren’t? In competitive cheerleading there are so many things that you can do, and so many places you can go. With cheerleading there are ways that it makes girls feel. One they get to do more than they thought they could, two you get to see their faces when they hit something that they didn’t know that they could do. Just like when they get their makeup on. You see a whole new person, you see them light up and they are not shy anymore. Cheerleading also helps you deal with more people. If you were a shy quiet girl, then when you start cheerleading you break out of your shell. You get to make a new family, because those girls and boys on the team are there with all the way. You see your team mates two to three times a week. Family is not just blood, family is friends, and people you love. Sometimes you hate them, but at the end of the day you see that no matter how mad they made you you always love them. When you go out on that mat to …show more content…

Most of the times there is no time to hand out with friends because you have cheer practice. There are times that you will not know it but you will be running your routine in a store. That is what makes cheerleading special. Just like when you spend all night looking up how to do you hair and makeup for cheerleading. There are so many fun things you learn when you start cheerleading. I have learned that makeup is expensive but you will need it. I have spent so much money on makeup, and hair spray and things for cheerleading. But I have learned how to put my hair up, and how to make my makeup stay on, and how to just be a good cheerleader. When you practice you hair has to always be up no matter what. You will always want to keep extra hair ties with you, because yours might break, and then you will need a new

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