Cheerleading Persuasive Essay

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Cheerleading has evolved from standing on the sidelines chanting, to performing unbelievable two minute and thirty second routines. The evolution of cheerleading, just like any other physically acclaimed sport, has changed cheerleading into an activity that pushes the limits. Unfortunately, many people still think of cheerleading as it was several years ago. Cheerleaders are athletes and should be recognized as such. Cheerleading should be considered as a major sport because it requires the ability and skills to perform active stunting, gymnastics, dance, and participate in county, district, state and national competitions. Here is a quote from Beth Fitzgerald, a cheerleading coach at Western Rockingham Middle. In my opinion, cheerleading …show more content…

“The recent surge in the popularity of cheerleading makes it hard to fit all cheerleaders into one simple category. The sport has changed and branched out in order to accommodate the millions of participants worldwide.” Rec and school cheer are basically the same; they both cheer for another sports team. They are not usually as advanced or have the same equipment as Allstar programs. Most of the time rec and school cheerleading teams will practice in a gymnasium that is used for other sports like basketball. Both perform stunts, tumbling, dancing and jumps. Many high school cheerleading programs compete in one or several competitions. (Isport) College or University cheerleading is school sponsored, similar to high school. College/University teams have more freedom, there are not as many rules and regulations as compared to other types of cheerleading. These types of cheerleading teams cheer on their school’s sports teams. Many also compete in competitions. College/University teams are the hardest teams to make. They take the best and only the best. Most teams require every female cheerleader to be able to fly in a one man stunt. Most all of the College/University teams are coed.

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