Cheesecake Factory Essay

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The Cheesecake Factory is a restaurant chain and cheesecake distributor founded in 1978 with over two hundred locations both in the U.S. and worldwide. They also operate two other restaurant facilities: the Grand Lux Cafe, which has fourteen locations and RockSugar Southeast Asian Kitchen, with two locations. Their cheesecakes are also found in many Barnes and Noble cafes. The Cheesecake Factory is known for its broad menu, large portions, and signature cheesecakes. This company is continuously looking for ways to improve their sustainability and reduce the negative impact on the planet. As of right now, they have taken many measures to ensure that they are using the least amount of energy possible. For starters, they completed a re-lamping of the restaurants by installing low wattage light bulbs, reducing their kilowatt usage from 2-3%, as well as testing LED lights to replace their neon lights. They also installed energy efficient HVAC systems in all of their restaurants. They use a ventilation system in their kitchens that automatically adjusts the exhaust and fan speed based off of the temperature and amount of steam and smoke in the hood. Currently, a solar thermal system is being tested …show more content…

The whole idea is just reducing waste and energy that is being put out into the environment and there is no problem with using recycled materials to do so. I specifically liked how Dawson talked about letting the guests choose their own portion size. I think a lot of food does go to waste due to over-serving and huge portion sizes, so if guests could choose their own size that would be greatly reduced. I would definitely want to go to one of his sustainable restaurants because it would feel good to know that I’m supporting a place that supports taking care of the planet and trying to reduce its negative impact as much as

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