Coffee And Caffeine Essay

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Coffee is a drink that is consumed by millions of people around the world every day. Despite that, not many seek to know the benefits, hazards or the chemical component that are present in this beloved beverage.
The coffee drink is acquired from a plant that produces coffee beans which are brewed into the drink. The two most famous coffee plant species are coffea Canephora and coffee Arabica L, both these species have almost the same chemical formula and chemical composition with slight differences that are apparent in the taste of the coffee. It is important to mention that the difference among the coffee species is not one of chemical composition only but also of concentration of set chemicals.
Coffee is a very complex drink …show more content…

It is also known as 1,3,7-trimethylpurine-2,6-dione or 1, 3,7-trimethylxanthine by IUPAC nomenclature system. Despite caffeine and caffeic acid share almost the same name, both of them is not related because of difference in functional group and molecular structure. In human body, caffeine is rapidly absorbed from alimentary system into the circulatory system, which will be transported via blood plasma. Half-life of caffeine is averaged from 2.5 hours to 4.5 hours, yet varied differently from person to person, Ruxton (2009). In medical field, caffeine is used for several treatments for several types of diseases. WebMD (2016) reported that caffeine is effective in headache-related ailments, such as migraine-induced headache, post-surgery pain and tension-induced headache, but with conjoint drugs as well to increase the efficiency. As caffeine is known as central nervous system stimulant, it helps people to stay awake and prevent sleepiness, thus caffeine is also combined with antihistamines to counteract the effect of drowsiness rendered by antihistamines. Besides, in low doses, caffeine is used for treatment of breathing problems in