
Chestnut Lake Camp Short Story

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Truth be told I learned the following things four summers ago; one: it 's possible to rock plastic, yellow sunglasses; two: don’t have a fifteen year old pierce your ears just because she “saw it in the parent trap”; three: Ian Gordon is not, in no way or ever will be, gay. Rumors spread like wildfire through bunk G9 at Chestnut Lake Camp the summer of 2010. The hottest new piece of gossip? Ian Gordon is gay- despite my attempt to prove otherwise. Flash forward. Girl likes Boy. From my first day of camp I was in love. In love with a boy named Ian Gordon. He was short, jewish and could sing- I could hear the clamor of wedding bells in the distance. For days, I taunted him. For weeks, I ignored him. And for years, over analyzed every word he …show more content…

Silence swept through the crowd, enough so that you could hear a mouse scamper across the floor. “But… he 's gay,” Rachel remarked snidely. How would she know? Embarrassed, I blushed and hoped nobody noticed. There was no way I was going to let Rachel Balm bask in the light of her detective work if I was at the brunt of it. I was going to save a little face. So, my big juicy secret turned into one big, fat, succulent lie.I put on my best poker face and started at the beginning of my story, being careful to leave no holes in my fib that could be later poked through. I hoisted myself up to the nearest top bunk bed, clumsily tripping over a pile of jacks from a game that had been earlier interrupted. I took center stage, on the bunk bed, and as if a spotlight was shining directly on me. I clasped my hands together to hid my nervous sweaty palms then dramatically confessed the story of my fake first kiss. “Ian isn’t gay,”I blurted out, wanting to grab my words and shove them right back into my mouth. “ In fact we are madly in love and yes, I promise all of you can be bridesmaids at our wedding- and I have the proof.” Story time. Everyone stood still, frozen with a look of disbelief yet intrigue, in their

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