Summary Of Gomez V. The City Of Watsonville

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One of the interesting court cases in Chicano History involves Gomez vs the City of Watsonville. To start, Section 2, and 5 in Voting Right’s Act plays a huge part in winning the case. Section 2 involves the prohibition of voting practices to discriminate and not allow a citizen of the united states to vote due to their race, color, or language domain. Similarly, Section 5, the act requires a preclearance from the Department of Justice for “ any voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, or standard, practice or procedure with respect to voting,” in any covered jurisdiction; therefore changes should not discriminate based on someone’s race. On July 27, 1988, the plaintiffs appealed to the Ninth District Court of Appeals, resulting on July 27, 1988, to overturned the local …show more content…

To start, in May 1975, Texas made a law that if a school had enrolled undocumented children in their school, that they will decrease funds that are given to the schools. One Plaintiff in Plyler vs Doe involves sixteen students from Tyler Independent high school that could not provide proof of documentation, and James Plyler is the defendant. The court decided on the plaintiff and agreed that schools could not keep undocumented children from getting an education. Also, the court said that the 14 amendment is universal and applies to all persons in the territorial jurisdiction without regards to color, race, or nationality. They decided this because children can not take the blame for being in the united states undocumented because they were brought by their parents and not here by choice. The final decision includes the Texas law having to be reversed, therefore they no longer can refuse an education to undocumented children. That is to say that the winning of that case has opened the doors for many undocumented children to get an educated and succeed like any other