Chick Creek Park Case Study

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Lick Creek is a 500 acres park located in the city of College Station, Texas. Lick Creek Park is the home for hundreds of plants species and wildlife. Located in the Post Oak Savanna vegetation zone, the park is divided into three subzones: Upland Forest, Savanna and Bottomland Forest. These three zones have different type of soils, vegetation, and wildlife. Despite the naturalistic characteristics of the park, in 1998, the City of College Station passed the Lick Creek Master Plan in effort to connect human to nature. The master plan considered of improve trail system, park entrance, and parking lot and outdoors classroom facilities. These new improvements to Lick Creek had significantly increase the number of visitors to the park over the years.
Walking around that park, I noticed that the area is relatively flat with no significant in elevation change. After observing the area, we found that the soils type are different in the three subzones. In Upland Forest, the soil is feel gritty after we added water to it. Because of this, we assumed that the soil type in this area is Sandy Clay Loam. Moving into deeper park of the forest, we used the same texture by feeling procedure to identify what type …show more content…

The reason behind this could be because due to agriculture practice, the nutrient richness in the soil decreased over the years. Because of this, it is important to protect that natural environment and increase the specie richness in the area. Our goal during the investigation of the Lick Creek Park is to gain more knowledge about the wildlife and vegetation so that we can increase the number of green patches in the College Station area in the future. The objective of this study is to increase species richness in Lick Creek Park. My hypothesis is that if we increase green patches and animal corridor, the species richness in the area will also

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