Chick Fil A Mission Statement Analysis

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Samuel Truett Cathy, the late Chick-fil-A Founder, once said, "I have people say, I'll come to work for you for free,' and I tell my employees they have to compete with that." How did he come from poverty to build a $6 billion business making chicken sandwiches? Was it his belief that people were more important than profit? Or maybe the secret family recipe used to make his mouth-watering sandwiches. Chick-fil-A is overwhelmingly successful due to their ability to create and nurture a culture that values people above all else. This paper briefly discuss the history and analyze the organization’s vision and mission statements against the criteria for meaningful statements, revising the statements as required. History According to Chick-fil-A (n.d.), this family-owned and operated business started in 1946 as the Dwarf Grill, located in Atlanta GA. The Founder, Samuel Truett Cathy, was a devout Christian with a life centered around family. These attributes shaped his unusual perspective toward business. To him, customers and employees were extensions of his family and he his heart showed a deep love for them both. Cathy viewed his business as more than just income; it was a venue for encouragement to others. He also strongly believed that giving people the opportunities, needed to succeed helps everyone prosper. These values …show more content…

Moreover, according to Williams (2008), for mission statements should adhere to certain standards, i.e. easy to read, clear purpose, public concern, customer care, and employee satisfaction. When applying this criteria to Chick-fil-A's philosophy, I find that all their qualities align to meet the requirements of meaningful statements. However, a slight revisions and rename is necessary to transform the organization's values into traditional vision and mission

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