Big government is perceived as excessively favoring and intruding into all aspects of the lives of its citizens. Small government is an approach which seeks to minimize the role of the State, especially in providing services and regulating the private sector; government based on these principles. (Oxford). Child abuse is and has been a current issue that relates to the idea of big versus small government. Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child. There are many forms of child maltreatment, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation and emotional abuse. (Childhelp). Sometimes these signs of abuse go unrecognized by others, or some people feel it’s not their place to judge how they choose to discipline their children. Despite the official definition of child abuse, there are various instances in which it is difficult to determine whether abuse has occurred. A major area of debate is whether abuse must involve physical harm. Some people may argue that shoving or slapping a child even without causing injury, should be considered a form of abuse. People also struggle to define …show more content…
In some cultures, incest and sexual activity between adolescents and adults is considered normal and healthy. Some religious groups also follow child-rearing practices, which is the process of bringing up a child or children; that others may view as neglectful or abusive. Christian Scientists have declined the use of medical services, because their faith teaches them to rely on God’s help to heal illness. Because of that view, some people will view as an act of child abuse, for refusing to have his or her child treated by a doctor for a serious medical condition. However, others will claim that person is merely exercising a right to practice religion freely. (Gale