Child Labour Persuasive Essay

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More than 150 million children in the world did not hear the school bell ring this year, because they are forced to work, more than half of them, in hazardous places like mines. Children are forced to pay a high price of a safe life for less than a dollar a day, that’s not enough to even by food. These kids are leaving in conditions no one should live in, furthermore a child. These children have never been to school and they want an education but they can’t because of economic reasons. They are from poor families and are taken advantage of. Those children could be dreaming of a happy life where they can get an education, a degree and work and job they want to, not one they are forced to. These children loose so much for so little. Many children and teenagers are told from middle school to college are usually the most important years of their life, it is most of the time the reason they will end up where they are. If that is so, why is it that these children, are powerless to choose to go to school but forced into work. Their rights are snatched right from their lives, only because they don’t have money. Most of their time is used on working and they have no time to play, to be children. Their childhood is cut short and they are forced to grow up at a young age. …show more content…

A lot of times it also has to do with abuse like child slavery and child trafficking. Because these children have to work and many times for unacceptable reasons and in unacceptable places it keeps them from attending school and achieving the education they

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