Child Physical Abuse Essay

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Child physical abuse can be defined as the non-accidental trauma or physical injury directed towards a child (CITE). Physical abuse can be carried out by the perpetrator through punching, beating, kicking, biting, or burning the youth (CITE). Often, physical abuse is the product of an extreme and unjust form of discipline (CITE). A parent or caregiver may be oblivious to the degree of their physical punishment when they are angered. Further elements that are conducive to physical abuse include parents’ levels of maturity, inadequate parenting skills, adverse childhood backgrounds, substance abuse issues, and domestic violence (American Humane Association). Add info about physical abuse from research articles. The influence of sexual abuse during childhood on the well-being of individuals has been widely researched in the past. It has been defined as “the involvement of dependent, developmentally immature …show more content…

Child emotional abuse consists of ignoring, rejecting, isolating, exploiting, corrupting, verbally assaulting, terrorizing, or neglecting a child. It is important to note that although the definition of emotional abuse has the tendency to be convoluted and intricate, an isolated incident of a parent or caregiver exhibiting a negative attitude is not considered abuse. Emotional abuse must be “persistent” and “chronic (American Humane Association).” According to Roos (2013), individuals are considered to be victims of emotional abuse if their parent or caregiver swears at, insults, or says hurtful things to them. Emotional abuse is also present if a parent or caregiver has threatened to hit or throw something at the individual. Finally, if a parent or caregiver acts in a way that makes an individual fear for their safety, emotional abuse is prevalent (Roos, p.

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