Child Soldier Summative Essay

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Imagine being you are living in africa it's almost time to eat dinner with your parents, brother, and sister. You mother asks you to go fetch some water, you happily agree as you step outside striding along further and further away from your house. Start to get the feeling of someone following you, you shrug it off. Until suddenly someone bursts from the bushes chasing you with a gun followed by many other men. You start to run as fast as your legs could carry you, one of the men forcefully grabs your arm and painfully tightly ties your hand with rope. Another man drags you along as you try to break free on of them hits you. You have no choice but to allow them to take you as you wonder if you will ever live to see you family again. Many children …show more content…

According to the Summative Essay Child Soldiers, children are given drugs, alcohol to get brainwashed into thinking what they are forced to do is an okay normal thing. “They were forced into fighting through drugs and alcohol. The drugs, often cocaine mixed with gunpowder, brainwashed the children to the point where they would rather not escape from the horror unraveling around them. I personally believe anyone who has to succumb to such horror and atrocities should not be prosecuted for the crimes they committed.” (Summative Essay Child Soldiers) This shows that children don't even realize that what they are being forced to do is wrong and a crime. Such as Nasir who was abducted from his family and given drugs to convince him that they could give them better protection and loved them more than their parents. “The scariest times for us all were when the airstrikes happened. They'd lead all of us underground into the tunnels to hide. They told us the Americans, the unbelievers, were trying to kill us but they, the fighters, they loved us. They would look after us better than our parents,” Nasir said. (Independant, isis is brainwashing children into murder their own parents, child soldiers who escaped Raqqa reveals) This shows that due to all the drugs given to children they think that others are after to harm them and don't realize that the real enemies are standing right infront of there