Childhood Trauma Essay

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committee’s responded the way they did to Developmental Trauma Disorder as a diagnosis. I believe unless there is an overwhelming ability for medication to be given the need to include a new disorder is seen as unnecessary. The underlying need for children to receive help and treatment for trauma will continue to go unaddressed in part because many professional still feel there is a limited amount of research to support new theories. I think in response to updating the DSM they were trying to offer clearer levels of severity in relation to behavioral disorders. Children show different forms of behavior in relation to disorders seen in adults, so it may be the APA felt this had been addressed in other areas of behaviors associated with children. …show more content…

When you consider the time this assessment was completed this was not shocking. I was not shocked at how this child was treated by the adults who were supposed to be helping her. Even now we have a tendency to not believe children when they attempt to express an event. I think this may be one; the child has a limited vocabulary and struggles to be understood. We are quick to dismiss a child especially if the parent or caregiver does see a problem. Children with behavioral disorders due to trauma are viewed as problem children and treated in response to the behavior not the cause. Anna was seen as a problem child because she exhibited what was viewed as inappropriate …show more content…

Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 57 I saved this to my desktop for future reference. I truly felt as if I could read the same sentence several times and still find new information. Of course this is also the part I struggle to get so much new information. I never realized how much I never understood about work in behavioral health especially when it came to understanding trauma and how it affects behavioral health. Understanding how we need to react quickly when we realize a person has experienced trauma it reinforced the need to assess a person’s exposure to a traumatic event as soon as we can (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014 pg.