Children Of Men Character Blocking Essay

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Character blocking creates the tension among the villagers, terrorists, and soldiers showing how the infant has dominate the scene. In the scene, when Theo and Kee try to escape the building peacefully, the blocking conceives the idea of hope that penetrates everyone’s heart and the concept of the story. Although character blocking will be the principle element to be analyzed, but mise en scène’s sound is the appurtenances to support character blocking. Children of Men, a science fiction and thriller movie, directed by Alfonso Cuaron delineated the character blocking to the viewers with Theo and Kee representing the rebirth in the chaotic world. The first shot began with Theo covering Kee and the newborn on the ground after the bomb explodes. The stage is full of ashes, dirt, and demolished interior. In addition, with the image being manipulated by blue and grey filter, this creates the frustrated emotion during wartime. Theo and Kee stand up and try to flee away from the terrorists. When Theo looks up at the hallway where other refugees are staring at them, he realizes the people have gathered around because of the infant’s sob. …show more content…

On the way down, a soldier holds his gun at them. He puts down the gun and his facial expression shifts when he recognizes the baby’s existence. The refugees follow the infant as Kee carries her down. Another soldier even shouted, “Cease Fire” to stop unnecessary harm to the innocents (Children of Men, 2006). These actions demonstrate how the infant brings back humanity in the post apocalypse era. The soldiers stand aside by the wall to form a clear path for Theo and Kee. Originally Soldiers are the symbol of authority; however, in this scene they become less powerful by the character blocking. Theo looks at the soldiers in a higher position while he’s protecting Kee. This makes the viewers recognize the moment when Theo has the dominion of the