China's Water Crisis DBQ

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People can't survive without water. Unfortunately, this is a big problem in China. China’s population continues to grow larger and evolve but, some of China’s population are dying because of the heavily polluted water they have to use in their daily life. The main three reasons behind the water crisis is pollution, industry, and global warming. One reason for China’s water shortage is that pollution is causing the waters and air to be very contaminated. “Water pollution is causing a lot of China's water to be polluted and non safe to drink, therefore not being able to use a lot of the country's water therefore wasting a lot of water.(Doc E).” Nonpoint pollution is causing chemicals and fumes to go into China’s water and air, which is causing about 47% of China’s water to be contaminated. The amount of water wasted caused of pollution is getting worse. Only about 20% of China’s water is drinkable and 80% has been so polluted that they don’t used it, wasting a lot of water. …show more content…

“In the graph above, it shows that 30% of China's water crisis in 2030 is caused by the over usage of power.(Doc D).” To create power, you need water and in China, they are over using their power which is converting clean water to waste-full water which they don’t even use. The three gorges dam is creating a lot of China’s power but is at the same time, damaging the environment and wasting a lot of water. “The industrial development, the factories, the metal and mining industry, and the over usage of power is using up a lot of China's water(Doc D).” Manufacturing is big in China but unfortunately, the amount of water that is used in manufacturing is wasted because it is polluted from all the factories which sometimes is then let out in the lakes and rivers, killing fish and other

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