Chipotle Core Competencies Paper

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Core Competencies of Chipotle Resources and superior capabilities that are a source of competitive advantage over a firm’s competitors known as core competencies. It differentiates a company from competition and reflects its personality. Through the organizational process of collecting and learning how to organize distinct resources and capabilities, core competencies develop over time. Core competencies are “crown jewels of a company” as a capability to act where the performance of the company is particularly good compared to its rivals and unique value had been add to the products or services by the company over a long period of time (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson,2007). The competitiveness of the company is coming from its core competencies …show more content…

The most effective business functions or activities for the company is the core competencies. Core competencies of the company are unique in relation to different with the rivals in the industry. These two of the core competencies enable the company to accomplish profitability. The company has to build up a strategy because this strategy can help the company to utilize the resources and capabilities so that make up its core competencies. Core competence is the decisive force of an organization to establish the framework for business development, seize new opportunities, and create value for the customer. Other organizational are not effortlessly duplicate the core competencies of the company, regardless of whether it is a current rival or new entrants. The company can have either one or more core competencies. Core competencies sometimes referred to as core capabilities or unique capabilities as it helps the company to create a sustainable competitive advantage (Rouse, n.d.). The capabilities are core competitiveness when the resources or capabilities of the company used to meet certain standards (Wilkinson,

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