Christian Counseling Book Review

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Christian Counselors Must Appreciate the Role of Prayer in Therapy and Personal Transformation. The seventh main concept that was presented in this book deals with Christian counselors recognizing the role that prayer plays within therapy and personal transformation with our clients and us. The authors (Hawkins & Clinton 2015) have provided an overview on the importance of prayer connecting us to God. Before Christian counselors use the spiritual intervention of praying with and for our clients they need to first grasp the need to pray for oneself and ask God to provide them with the wisdom needed to help our clients (p. 328). When the counselor seek God wisdom though prayers it allows them to have cleansed hearts that will provide the way to see the clients through God’s eyes in turn will allow the love of God to overflow into the …show more content…

Once the counselor understand their own personal role in using the spiritual intervention of praying for their clients then one must incorporate the powerful intervention of praying with our clients. According to Hawkins and Clinton (2015), “one of the most powerful things we can do as Christian counselors is to actually pray with and for our clients,” (p.334). It is our duty to make sure that the prayer intervention has been covered in the initial consent form given to our clients and that we still ask the client for permission before praying with them during a session (p.334). In essence, the intervention use of prayer is to use it in a manner that is therapeutic and instructive for our clients therefore we must remain sensitive to our clients’ responses to the use of praying (p.