Throughout history, there have always been some form of spiritual deity or force that mankind has believed in. Of these religions came Christianity and Islam, both being some of the most used monotheistic religions in the world. Of course, both religions share traits and also oppose each other. Both religions share a good amount of similarities. Each religion has a form of rules, The 5 pillars (Islam) and the Ten Commandments (Christianity). Both rules are more of guidelines to morality, of what you should and should not do. For example: Catholic commandment declares, "I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me," while the second commandment forbids the taking of God's name in vain. The first pillar of Islam is known as the Shahadah, and it contains two proclamations the declaration that there is no other God but God, and the affirmation that Muhammad is God's messenger. These particular commandments and pillars lay out the most basic pretexts for the their respective religions, particularly the central belief that there is only one deity. …show more content…
Islamic concept ibada expresses attitude of humble service of the servant before his or her Lord. Islam also follows salat a daily ritual prayer to be performed at certain times. However, there is a distinction between performing the prayers and praying. When Christians pray it is in terms of attitude of spirit and heart; in their minds prayer is not tied to a particular ritual form. Christians who wish to follow Jesus with great devotion undertake spiritual exercises in silence and in prayer daily or weekly. Christians usually concentrate in silence on God to become conscious of his presence and to hear his word. However, both religions are similar because they both attend a spiritual or holy place to pray. for Christians it's usually a church and for Islam it's a