Christina Rossetti Research Paper

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Christina Rossetti once said, “Silence is more musical than any song.” Rossetti is by far the greatest poet of her generation. Her poetry is like an addiction, when I started reading, it was hard to stop. Christina was very religious. Most of her poetry dealt with religious themes. The life, career, and poetry of Christina Rossetti was remarkable for its time and is still influential to this day. The early life of Christina Rossetti was very youthful and bliss. She was born in London on December 5, 1830 (Bloom pg. 12). She grew up in a very religious environment. Robert Clark said in his “Snow on Snow” article from the magazine Ploughshares that, “She was a devout Anglo-Catholic.” Rossetti was very much like her dad. Christina inherited many artistic tendencies from her father (Everett pg. 0). She also had a few similarities to her brother, due to one of his careers. Her brother Dante was a famous English poet and painter (Collins pg. 484). Dante also sketched a lot, sometimes pictures of Christina. Judging from sketches made by her brother Dante, Christina seems to have been quite …show more content…

Christina Rossetti was a gifted English poet (Collins pg. 484). She put a new perspective to poetry. Christina was one of the most important of English women poets both in range and quality (Bryson pg. 0). Her career as a poet played an important role in her religious life. According to Harold Bloom in the book Bloom’s Major Poets: Christina Rossetti, “Rossetti herself was influenced by the Oxford Movement, reinforcing the ritualistic elements of the Catholic Service.” She wrote some famous poems during her career. Her first publicly printed book was “Goblin Market and Other Poems” (Bloom pg. 13). She was very successful in terms of her poetry. She excelled in works of fantasy, in poems for children, and in religious poetry (Bryson pg. 0). Her early career helped her do well in her later

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