
Christopher Columbus Pros And Cons

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Many things have evolved because of the Age of Discovery. Life today would be completely different if it was not for the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus in 1492. This was the “turning point” in world’s history. This brought England total power on controlling this newly discovered land many there positive and negative effects because of it. Proving his dedication to his country, he wanted to spread their culture, customs and beliefs throughout the globe. To many, Columbus went too far. Cruel actions, such as enslavement, unfair territory consumption, and rapid production of goods by Columbus and his crew, the innocent and wrongly named “Indians” were pushed to almost extinction. There are two sides to every story, but without …show more content…

Growing up as a poor child, young Christopher was inspired to be a man of the sea. He took his first voyage at the age of four-teen, out into the deep Atlantic in 1476, apprenticing a wealthy merchant. After the end of his trip, he developed an obsession for exploration and the riches of life. Although on one of his apprenticing trips his ship was taken over by French privateers and was forced to swim to the coast of Portugal. During the middle ages of Christopher’s life, while resigning on the coast he met and then later married Felipa Perestrello. Together, they had one child, a son named Diego. After the sudden death of Columbus’s significant other, he decided that he would continue to pursue his childhood dream of being a man of the …show more content…

Unfortunately, the settlement in Hispaniola had deteriorated to the point of near mutiny with settlers claiming; they had been misled by Columbus’ claims of riches and were outraged by the way his brothers were managing their civilization (Subsequent Voyages). The Spanish Crown sent a royal official to strip Columbus of his tittles and to be brought back to Spain. At first, he was facing a plethora of consequences but then they were all dropped and dismissed out. Now, trying to persuade King Ferdinand into funding one last voyage that would assure great wealth and riches. Reluctantly, the King agreed to this

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