Church Of Christian Science Essay

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The Church of Christ, Scientist, founded in 1879 in Boston Massachusetts by Mary Baker Eddy, author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and founder of Christian Science. According to Wikipedia, the church was founded “to commemorate the word and works of [Christ Jesus]” and “reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing”. In the early years of the 20th century, there was a growth which sprang up Christian Science Churches in communities around the world, though membership declines and financial setbacks have been the basis for a decrease in these communities worldwide with the exception occurring in Africa, where there has been a significant increase. Headquartered in Boston, some demographical information may include that the church boast a membership of approximately 85,000 members with 1000 congregations worldwide (900 in the United States). As was mentioned above, the church was incorporated by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879 following a claimed personal healing in 1866 from reading the Bible.[1] Consequently, The Holy Bible (KJV) and Eddy’s textbook became the church’s key doctrinal sources and have been ordained as the church’s “dual impersonal pastor” according to Eddy’s Manual of …show more content…

However, the church requires three other people to substantiate any claims of healing through the beliefs of the church. In comparison, one would liken this to the process taken be the Roman Catholic Church to substantiate claims of miracles and/or demonic possession. This churchs beliefs are founded on the premise that healing comes by the Will of God (ie., included among the good and real are health and contrastly among the unjust is disease). The church prohibits the use of physicians of any kind as well as any medical procedures, relying solely on the Divine Intervention of Almighty

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