Tiago Film Analysis

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Cinema Novo & Influences of it on this Film When one looks at this films aesthetic, it showcases itself to be heavily influences by other world cinemas. Although this film came some thirty years or so after the end of the cinema novo movement it does draw certain parallels with it. Such as it’s underlying tone for the want of social equality, a strong characteristic of this cinema, it can be seen many times throughout the films entirety. Case in point, when the character of Benny befriends and gives money to the middle class Tiago, to purchase him clothing. Now while it is not stated directly, the question is raised as to why Benny does not do this himself and given that the character of Tiago sticks out quite prominently from the environment …show more content…

The reasoning for this fabrication is argued quite well in the text Introduction to Film Studies which states,

“One of the main reasons for a documentarist to use drama and reconstruction is due to the lack of any original footage of the events being depicted. This then takes us back to the notion of ‘sincere and justifiable’ reconstruction as arguably seen in the work of Flaherty and the Griersonians. If the events depicted may be said to be typical, probable, and part of the subject’s usual routine, does it matter that we reconstructed (i.e. fabricated) that specific scene?” (Nelmes, 2007, p.189)

As well as this the influences of Cinema Novo itself also draws parallels with this film. For instance if we look at Italian Neo-Realism, the subject matter of this film concerns itself with the everyday hardships of the average person much like this movement. And rather than dealing in escapism it attempts to reveal the harsh realities of this world trying, in turn, to evoke a greater emotional response in it’s audiences. Now granted this features portrayal of the hardships of the average person is somewhat embellished to create a more evocative narrative, which is in ways excusable given modern