Cirque Da Freak: Chapter Analysis

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In chapter eight of the book “Cirque Da Freak” Darren finds a snake boy who scares Darren making him stutter and later finds it was just sleep crawling. Once a while goes by they meet Hans who know the name Darren Shan. In chapter nine of the book Darren and the rest went to go feed a wolf-man meat and later get caught by Mr. Tall who yells at them. In chapter ten Darren has been with the Cirque for two days and one night mostly helping Evra and with Mr. Crepsley learning about vampires. In the end, they meet and shake hands with Sam Grest who at first scared Darren. In chapter eleven the group talked about were life like where they came from how many family members they had and questions about each other. In chapter twelve Sam thought the