
Civil Disobedience: Good Or Bad?

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Civil Disobedience, Good or Bad? Civil disobedience, peaceful protest or a criminal act? Many seem to have different views on this term and the actions the term defines, to not comply with certain laws as a form of protest. Many people question whether civil disobedience should be justified or not, because whether you’re fighting for a cause, you’re still breaking the laws. I believe civil disobedience is needed within countries, as many governments can become corrupt and the people need others, who believe in the same causes, to help fight for what they can’t, whether they are too busy or too scared. But, just like many other opinions, there are pros and cons. To begin with, popular acts of civil disobedience used around the world have …show more content…

As seen from Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi’s protests, it shows that peace works and can help fight against laws. An example of a peaceful protest is The Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party was a raid of the British tea, where they snuck aboard a dock and dumped all the tea into the water as a protest against the taxes they had to endure from the British. The Boston Tea Party showed the first signs of a rebellion within the new world and sparked attention. Though not completely successful, it helped start up other protests all while being peaceful. To continue, civil disobedience doesn’t always have to be formed by large groups of people. An example is, Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks administered civil disobedience by not giving up her seat to a white person although it was the law, as segregation was still thriving. This helped spark The Civil Rights Movement, as her actions spoke against racial discrimination and inequality, …show more content…

An example is also from the Rosa Parks incident. The Rosa Parks incident helped draw attention to the act of inequality going on within the nation as word got around of her arrest for not moving out of her seat for a white person. This then helped gained momentum in The Civil Rights Movements and soon, Rosa Park became an hero within the civil rights community and her incident became known nationwide and caused an uproar. Thus, gaining attention to the cause. Another example is The Salt March. The Salt March was a 241 mile march led by Gandhi to go against the British tax laws. As the march was leading to Dandi, thousands of people joined and once Gandhi showed his defiance to the British, civil disobedience started appearing throughout India which caused the arrest of 60,000 or more people. As the movement gained attention, India was eventually won its

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