Civil Rights And Discrimination In The United States

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Civil rights began as a result of the underprivileged and mistreated individuals finally taking a stand for themselves. With most of attention being focused on the African Americans and the immorality of slavery, it also affected women, Asian Americans, and any one else who was not considered “white” by the state in which they reside in. Discrimination first began in 1790 with the Nationality Act which initially defined who could be a citizen of the United States. Citizenship is an important factor for people living in a given area because it grants protection and rights for individuals. With that, the first Nationality Act put in place stated only white persons could apply for citizenship to the country. Over time, this led to the rebelling …show more content…

Dating back to 1777, the right for women to vote was prohibited as a part of the original laws of the thirteen states. Along with voting rights, women also faced being denied an education. In 1850, the first National Women’s Rights Convention was held. In 1869, the the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) jumpstarted. They focused exclusively on gaining rights for women’s voting through amendments to individual state constitutions. Regardless of the passing of the 15th Amendment in response to Civil Rights issues, women were not prohibited from voting, however they still were never fully guaranteed their right to vote until …show more content…

The Chinese Exclusion Act was placed restricting immigration of all Chinese laborers on the presumption that it endangered good order. This act placed requirements on Chinese stating they must carry identification cards now as well. In addition to this, those who were already living in the country were mandated to get an approval on coming back into the country if they left for any reason. With intentions on only lasting ten years, the act was passed again in 1992, extending it an addition ten years following that. Following the loss of so many Chinese workers and cheap labor, the Mexican Revolution brought an abundance of immigrants into the United States looking of work. In 1924, the Immigration Act was passed barring any aliens from entering the United States. The tension rose once again. Four years later, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) was formed in hopes to fight discrimination of Latinos. Two years later, mass deportation of Mexicans back to Mexico takes place as they are accused of taking jobs from Americans during the