Civil Rights Movement Dbq

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In the history of America, African Americans are oppressed and have had their civil liberties violated. The first African Americans are brought to the “New World” as slaves, against their own will and civil liberties. After the civil war, slavery ends and African Americans had more rights, making the first steps toward equality occur. However, still African Americans had to obey the Jim Crow Laws and led segregated lives, with the belief they are inferior. Still having their civil liberties violated, African Americans became disenfranchised and created a movement in the 20th century. Notably the African American movement was mainly successful in the 1960’s, due to many changes with goals outlined by a group of united political leaders, with …show more content…

The 1960’s is different because the movement was led by Martin Luther King Jr and his colleagues, compared to the numerous leaders with different strategies and goals in the previous decades. Martin Luther King detailed in a prison cell in Birmingham, Alabama a goal of “Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bound” (Document B). With clear goals of creating a more open and equal society, this was easily communicated to fellow African Americans and people of all groups. Therefore, with this goal, people can hope and join in the movement making it a success during the 1960’s, compared to the unclear messages of previous decades. Furthermore, Martin Luther discusses the goal, to overcome their differences as exhibited by police and civil actions against African Americans in 1963 (Document C). King has also acknowledged this issue as he is prison and faced similar discrimination like those of (Document C), and wishes to end this discrimination against African Americans. Overall King, has exhibited the root of the issue, and has outlined a goal making the movement in the 60’s a …show more content…

Political support in policy for the movement is not evident with previous presidents, such as Eisenhower compared to Kennedy. during the 1960’s President Kennedy was one the first major politicians that lent their support for the movement, by introducing a proposition to congress, to ensure equality and end segregation. Kennedy discusses his support as “next week I shall ask the Congress, to make a commitment it has not fully made in this century to the proposition that race has no place in life or law” (Document D). With Kennedy’s overwhelming support for Civil Rights, and with his power as president would influence fellow politicians to join, making support for the cause even more. Furthermore, this support gives a credible face to people who are not of color making the movement have a popular face to increase support. This is very dissimilar to previous decades where major politicians like presidents did not lend support to the movement before. In addition, during the 1960’s, the first youth led organizations such as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, as mentioned in (Document A), discusses how they will bring similar beliefs of Martin Luther King to the younger generations. With support of the younger demographics, the movement can spread their beliefs in new ways and with more protest and discussion to the general